A Canadian perspective on the future of the performing arts
Two theatre companies in Canada have been keeping their brands alive during the global pandemic.
Two theatre companies in Canada have been keeping their brands alive during the global pandemic.
Even though theatres across the country are on hold, there have been many great ways organizations have made an impact.
Virtual theatre has excited me so much as a creator because of its new abilities to interact with the audience more than ever before.
It is imperative that we identify and eradicate sophisticated manifestations of racism. It's a disease that extends to all institutions of our society, including theatre.
Even though theatre is in the dark, people have been hard at work in this darkness to bring a new light to society.
TikTok provides a way for the professional performers to continue to share their art.
For this blog post, I decided to embrace this longing for live theatre I feel and reflect on the aspects of theatre that I miss, in hopes of rediscovering why I love the art form in the first place.
This posts offers some tools to help you strengthen your virtual writing communities.
A stage manager is a lot of things: a nurse, a therapist, a personal assistant. So, how does it work if a stage manager is fighting a mental illness?
It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has turned the theatre industry upside down. However, some theatres have made some virtual triumphs.